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2022-05-18 18:40:02

你的梦想得偿所愿了,还是都拿来祭奠了? 走出象牙塔,开启人生新篇章,但当每月工资花完,或在家待业的时候,有没有发现,缺少了父母的资助,社会如此残酷?今年我国有多少毕业生在啃老?在家啃老的滋味并不好受,他们为何要面对这样的尴尬?国外啃老族们又是什么情况?接下来,世纪君就要为你一一分解。

马上学:英文里的“啃老族”可以用boomerang generation/kids/children来表示。Boomerang 本来是指澳洲土著居民使用的飞去来器。这里不难想象,本来已经长大成人该依靠自己独立生活的孩子们,又回家等着爸妈接济了,是不是像极了这种抛出去又飞回来的飞镖?

The boomerang generation refers to those young adults who choose to move in with their parents due to financial constraints after a brief period of living on their own.



According to a survey early this month of more than 350,000 graduates across the country conducted by Peking University’s Media and Marketing Research Center, over 30 percent of 2014 graduates still depend on their parents for financial assistance.


原因一: 毕业生工资低


The typical explanation for the phenomenon is that college graduates just don’t make enough money to survive on their own. The survey notes the average starting salary nationwide is 2,443 yuan per month, an increase of 324 yuan over 2013’s average. More than 40 percent of graduates don’t have any savings.



“With such entry level salaries, it’s not possible to survive in major cities in China. Rent for one room easily exceeds the average base salary,” said Chen Lijun, an economist at Beijing Union University. “But money is only one of the reasons so many young adults are willing to accept help from their parents.”



Experts are analyzing China’s family values and education to understand the mentality of this new breed of graduates, and they’re also reviewing students’ personal accounts in order to understand the root causes of the boomerang kid phenomenon.


都说美国的小伙伴们长大成人后会被赶出家门,他们也会有啃老族吗?当然有!,在美国, 18岁-31岁的年轻人中有36%要么搬回了爸妈家,要么从来就没离开过;60%的人一直依赖爸妈的经济来源过活。

Adults who’ve failed to launch and still live at home is also an emerging phenomenon in the US.

According to The New York Times, apart from a record high percentage of young adults in the US living with their parents – 36 percent of young adults aged 18-31 have either moved back in with their parents or never left home – 60 percent also rely on their parents for financial support.



Damon Casarez graduated from a California art school in 2012 with more than $100,000 (615,020 yuan) in student loans. Within a year he’d drained all of his resources, forcing him to sell some of his photography equipment just to keep his head above water.

It was on his parents’ couch that he began searching for a silver lining and decided he’d begin photographing other boomerang kids.


In composing the portraits Casarez aimed to capture his subjects in their natural habitats. He sought images that visually represent the transitionary stage between adolescence and adulthood, like his photo of 29-year-old Robert Ellis sitting on a bed holding a Batman toy.


